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Offer a unique and connected experience to customers through online and offline channels


What is Omnichannel?

Omnichannel's platform is a marketing, sales and service strategy that seeks to offer a unique and interconnected experience to customers through relationship and alignment of online and offline channels. 

Our solution consists of a platform that enables the management of customer interactions in an effective and integrated way, providing the quality of service and satisfaction that your customer deserves.

Nossa solução consiste emuma plataforma que possibilita a gestãodas interações dos clientes de uma forma efetiva e integrada, proporcionando a qualidade de atendimento e satisfaçãoque o seu cliente merece.

atendimento Omnichannel


icone megafone

Voice Channels

icone nuvem

Contact Center
in the cloud

icone whatsapp

Whatsapp integration

icone discagem rápida

automatic dialing

icone midia social

Social Network Integration

icone de gráfico

with ID

icone relatório


icone telefone com notificação

Contact Center

home office

icone mensagem de voz

call recording

icone balão de fala

Chat Integration

icone de navegação

Service Front-end

icone de campanha e e-mail

Integration of

icone de script

Service scripts

icone dashboards


How it works?


After hiring our platform, all you have to do is use it over the internet to respond to your customers in a simple, useful and quick way, and mainly through a single place. In addition, there is a bonus: no capital investments (CAPEX) are required.

Get in touch with us and understand how digital transformation can improve service and relationships with the Omnichannel strategy.

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