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Active and Receptive Telesales

More than a contact, a relationship building

The approach is one of the most important phases to build loyalty and ensure customer satisfaction, as well as negotiation and support.

Televendas Ativo e Receptivo

That's why this task must be dealt with meticulously, from the beginning to the end, regardless of whether it is carried out through a phone, chat or email.

With  13 years of experience in the BPO field.
Our centers have
technology, constant training, qualified personnel and an attentive management to achieve the goals, and provide the quality of service and satisfaction that your customer deserves.

Televendas Ativo e Receptivo




Information Center

Technical Center

Customized Center


How it works?

  1. We understand the products and services your company offers;

  2. We map your specific target audience;

  3. We create flow planning;

  4. We set up a custom operation for your company.


You can use a variable model, that is, we only get paid for success.

sac virtual connection

Mais que um contato, a construção de um relacionamento! Atenda seu clientes, resolva chamados técnicos, tirando dúvidas e esclareça detalhes.


cobrança virtual connection


Clientes inadimplentes existem em qualquer negócio,
mas só é possível realizar a conversão desse cliente com uma equipe altamente especializada.

service desk virtual connection


Centralize e simplifique todas as necessidade da
sua empresa em relação a tecnologia da informação, em um único lugar.

Retenção virtual connection


Tenha um relacionamento de confiança e mantenha
clientes fiéis que continuam fazendo negócio com a
empresa ao longo do tempo.

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