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Quality service is one of the main strategies to differentiate a business from the competition,

winning over and retaining its customers through differentiated treatment.
That's why we constantly work with technology and innovations to simplify problems, streamline services and provide a great consumer experience.

In the market for 13 years, we present customized solutions in sales and relationships.

We started in 2008 as a small Contact Center in Uberlândia, MG. Today we are recognized as a CX and UX Solutions company, which is ahead of its time.


We operate in Brazil and abroad serving customers

of various sizes in various segments. We help companies from different sectors in the operation of their sales and relationship channels and we are obsessed with the productivity gains that our solutions provide. That is the purpose of Virtual Connection. Support

you and your company on this continuous journey of improving the user experience.

Simple4all is one of the Holding Virtual Connection companies, our purpose is to bring the most innovative solutions on the market to provide the best results to our customers.


This is the purpose of Simple4all to support you as a micro-entrepreneur and your company,

For this, we have all the tools of Technological Evolution:

CRM Virtual connection


experience management

of the client, receivables recovery management, historical centralization, strategy, segmentation

Workflow Virtual connection


Creating workflows, managing service levels, managing queues.

omnichannel Virtual connection


Voice and digital channels; ura, dialer, tabulator, integrated history between channels, etc. Supervision with KPIs in real time

Business Intelligence Virtual connection

Business intelligence

Centralization of dashboards, creation of customized visualizations, real-time monitoring

chatbot Virtual connection


Automation of conversational processes, integration with customer systems,

self-service, curation

chatbot Virtual connection


Business process consultancy to adapt best practices. Lean Six Sigma, ITIL, Cobit, among other frameworks

Telefonia Virtual connection


Receiving calls (0800, single national number, virtual number) and making calls (normal or smart routing)

mensagens massificadas Virtual connection

Mass Messages

Sending mass messages through SMS, WhatsApp, E-Mail brokers

S4Quality virtual connection


Customer experience total quality management platform. Implements everything necessary for the evolution of the UX operation

Treinamento virtual connection


Content creation, EAD platform, training, remote and in-company training.

Gestão de Qualidade virtual connection

Quality management

Quality monitoring and management, analysis, mystery shopping, design thinking, speech analytics;

WhatsApp  Business virtual connection



Production planning and control, forecasting, KPI management, BigData and building predictive models.

Gestão de PCP virtual connection

PCP management

Production planning and control, forecasting, KPI management, BigData and building predictive models.

Fornecimento  de Base virtual connection


Provision of agreed contact basewith the target profile.

DevOps virtual connection


We develop the necessary integration with your system according to the scope of the project.

Gateway de Pagamento virtual connection

Payment Gateway

Make payments online, through customer interfaces or automatically. Issuance of bill, credit card.

Infraestrutura como serviço

Infrastructure as a Service

Provision of specialized infrastructure on demand. Standard NR17.

Speech Analytics

Speech Analytics

Speech recognition and automated analysis, pattern analysis, identifying opportunities and risks.

Intranet virtual connection


Communication, content presentation, events, polls, FAQs, Wiki, etc.

Professional Services

Professional Services

Communication, content presentation, events, polls, FAQs, Wiki, etc.

BPO Completo virtual connection

Complete BPO

Operational management with complete supply of technology, processes and people.

Our partners:

+ than 800
positions of
call center

+ than 15 million
of calls
per annum.

+ than 1 million
of automated assistance
per annum.

+ than 16 million
of calls
per annum.

Have you seen how many solutions we can bring to your business?

Get in touch with us, we'll help you define the best strategy by reducing your costs

and increasing the efficiency of your services.

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